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Stillwater Farm
City: Pell City, AL,
Phone: 205-919-1733
About Us
Who is Stillwater Farm?

Our mission statement: A small farm dedicated to restoring body, mind and soul through wholesome meat, milk and eggs.

How Stillwater Farm began; from teachers to Farmers:

Ben wanted to farm since a kid and his parents always had a few animals. Beth always liked outdoors and farming, and worked on a fruit and veggie farm in high school and college.

After getting married we both didn't like the way our food industry is and started to raise some of our own food and meat, while both teaching full time. Bethany was an elementary teacher and Ben highschool History teacher.

Having good food became and still is a passion of ours, especially when our daughter was born in 2012. We started a small hobby farm and started raising our own food. We know how it's grown, what we put into it and feel good about eating it. After Ben was laid off of a job, we decided to start the farm. If he was going to need to be working or fail, it wasn't going to be depending on another person for a job and why not do what you've always wanted to do? So fall of 2013 we bought a couple hundred laying hen chicks and looked for markets to sell at for the following spring and Stillwater Farm was born!! We started off that first year selling eggs, bread and jam and some plants. We did our first batch of meat chickens later that first year (2014) as well. Each year we expanded a little more.

Currently we raise eggs, and meat, including pork, chicken, thanksgiving turkeys, grass fed beef, rabbit, goat and lamb. We also have branched out into jersey "pet" milk. (Currently waitlist)

We have worked hard and are building from the ground up. We did not come from a line of farmers or have excess land available to us like many farmers. We started off on our 4 acres of land. Every year we have added a little more and improved on what we have. A couple years in we were able to lease 15 acres and expand more.

A few years ago we were blessed to be able to purchase 80 acres where our operations can all be in one place. Most of our animals are there and we are currently still in the transition period.
How do we farm?
We are a small farm that believes in growing things the way God intended them to be grown. All of our animals are raised on pasture, no harmful chemicals, using organic methods. Our beef, goats and sheep are 100% grass fed and finished. Our poultry and pigs are supplemented with certified non-gmo feed.

We believe that all of nature should work in harmony with each other. We rotationally graze and move our animals, feeding the soil and grass and the grass feeds the animals. The chickens come behind the cows and help spread the fertilizer while eating flies.

The more connected we are to our food and where it comes from the better off we all will be.